31 janvier 2006

Жак Сегела is my tovaritch

Жак Сегела: "Реклама - это спонсор демократии".

Bon, quel que soit le sujet traité dans cet article du journal russe Sostav consacré à notre ami Жак Сегела, il déchaine les passions : plus d'une trentaine de commentaires !

Si une bonne âme parle le cyrillique dans le texte, je veux bien qu'on m'en fasse le profil d'une oeuvre en commentaire...


Anonymous Anonyme said...

une trad' express bien marrante avec le bon vieux babelfish.altavista.com :

Jacques segel: "advertisement - is the sponsor of democracy" Francois mitteran noted somehow that Segely has "megalomania". Certainly, the President joked. However, the portion of truth in his words was observed. Indeed very object of mitteranovskoy pin declared and repeatedly: "my only professional motive is dream that during the day, when I leave advertisement, it has already another appearance, more latinizirovannyy, more sensual, more creative, but at the same time - that more acknowledged and that more loved. This is the matter of my life ". You do understand? But here now acknowledge: in many whether of you, that work in the advertisement and reading now these lines, accurately the same motivation and the same mission - it is radical to change the peace of advertisement? And many whether are ready following The the segeloy to adhere to the commandment formulated by it: "in the advertisement the second use of an idea is the gravest creative crime"? Or to say as it: "4 I will not get tired to thank advertisement for all these encounters with the improbable"? To explain, who such of Jacques segel (Jacques Seguela), to me is somehow even boring and is uncomfortable. This nevertheless, what to say, who Catherine's such Denev, Michel legran and Jean- Paul Gautier. Legend, celebrity, star. During February to it were carried out 70 years. In this case grand-dad Jacques - obvious case of the fact that it is necessary "to add lives to its years, but not years to its life". As it is assumed to cult figure, they love it, they envy to it, they are enraptured by it, they gossip about it. Fashionable Frederic begbeder in his "99 francs" mentions Segelu of times three and every time - in the negative context. But all attempts to declare advertising classicist that become obsolete, unimportant and to throw out from the ship of the present appear simply ridiculously... The idea to make interview with the living icon of French (read: world) advertisement belongs to Aleksandr Trubnikov, who devised Sostav.ru and rulyashchemu by them, until now. When the "League of Champions" started, its first hero became the edward Of moradpur, the President and the kreativnyy director of the newly-made Moscow agency Euro RSCG Moradpour, whom in response to my question: "are there in our advertisement people, which to you are interesting?", honestly it answered: "it is small. I see 4 no one. There are good, dear people, but there is no Jacques segely. There is no Segely!.. Say, can, you do know? Is there to any kieselguhr? 4 with the pleasure at it it arrived ". "A here to take interview in Segely... - Trubnikov pensive noted, after reading moradpurovskuyu remark. - you do not want to it to take a trip?" I do not want 4? You joke! Such proposals they do not reject. But will want Segela? To agree with metrom proved to be already the matter of technology. "you will arrange the eighth of April, half of the eleventh morning?" - they inquired from Paris. Even as it will arrange! In the assigned time in the company with the translator obtained on the spot, I rose on the steps of agency Havas, subdivision Euro RSCG Worldwide, located in the Parisian suburb Suresnes (to the Moscow scales almost that center).

9:57 AM  

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